"From the school of..." will do. "In the style of..." is fine. "After..." is just as real. Unlike horseshoes, in Art - especially painting - close is a score. Look, if you will, at Susannah at her bath (c. 1555) by Jacopo Robusti (known as Tintoretto) (1518-1594) now valued for insurance purposes at $5 million. (A lesser Tintoretto was sold by Christies on 9 July 2008 for $199,882.) Now consider a painting or two by artists who imitated Tintoretto, e,g., Andrea Zucchi (1679-1740) Jacob's ladder "after Tintoretto" [$65,981], or Silvestre Maniago (1518-1594) Column of Fire "after Tintoretto" [est. $38,000]. Would you mind owning either?
AuthorAvery G. Husband is an artist, an abstract expressionist, and a rabid capitalist: Buy Something and Be Someone. ArchivesCategories |